SLOSA-IDPA May 2008 Match

May 3, 2008
Full Results  -   All Participants

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      High Senior:  Mike Nelson    ESP - Expert 106.84 (37)
      High Lady:   Souzan Nelson    ESP - Sharpshooter 150.21 (34)
      Most Accurate:   Luca Benedetti    SSP - Expert 112.07 (13)

Numbers in (parenthesis) are target points down
Bold scores are stage winners
* Shooter is unclassified in this division, shooting his/her highest other classification
Place   Name   Match Score Penalties
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
CDP    Sharpshooter
1 Craig Loveridge 124.03 52000 19.42(8) 26.62(7) 20.48(6) 19.24(15) 15.72(4) 22.55(12)
2 Nelson Dymond * 164.80 40010 26.85(8) 36.19(8) 30.06(6) 22.06(9) 19.83(2) 29.81(7)
CDP    Marksman
1 Gary Schinsing * 146.83 52001 18.37(7) 24.33(4) 39.99(21) 15.82(7) 22.89(8) 25.43(5)
2 Jim Turner 174.55 38010 19.92(6) 36.28(11) 19.89(4) 18.91(10) 31.93(1) 47.62(6)
ESP    Expert
1 Mike Nelson 106.84 37000 17.73(8) 22.94(5) 19.49(8) 14.10(5) 12.90(3) 19.68(8)
ESP    Sharpshooter
1 Souzan Nelson 150.21 34000 22.42(6) 34.79(12) 33.59(9) 18.74(3) 18.31(2) 22.36(2)
ESP    Marksman
1 Gary Schinsing 134.10 35000 17.88(5) 24.29(4) 22.49(6) 20.23(14) 19.13(4) 30.08(2)
2 Brad Hoskins 165.44 48110 24.23(7) 33.59(17) 30.24(5) 21.69(14) 26.56(1) 29.13(4)
ESP    Novice
1 Jennifer Bell 197.72 61320 21.48(5) 56.03(27) 31.59(4) 25.25(12) 31.89(11) 31.48(2)
ESP    Unclassified
1 Cotton Marks 157.98 60200 18.30(6) 58.93(42) 20.29(2) 15.08(7) 17.09(1) 28.29(2)
2 Chris Marks 161.62 31000 18.22(5) 34.37(8) 37.25(7) 17.19(5) 26.91(0) 27.68(6)
3 Ron Crawford 189.40 35000 25.72(9) 39.83(12) 38.39(3) 21.42(5) 30.76(4) 33.28(2)
SSP    Expert
1 Jim Helser 94.09 35000 16.80(13) 20.52(13) 14.71(1) 10.49(2) 14.50(2) 17.07(4)
2 Luca Benedetti 112.07 13000 18.54(2) 23.30(2) 20.02(3) 14.14(2) 15.26(0) 20.81(4)
3 Jerry Turner 135.26 23010 20.96(4) 29.91(9) 31.00(3) 16.11(4) 16.24(1) 21.04(2)
SSP    Marksman
1 Larry Motherwell 178.10 29010 22.68(1) 39.32(11) 35.16(3) 24.00(10) 28.19(2) 28.75(2)
SSP    Unclassified
1 Kyle Peterson 132.10 53000 20.08(12) 29.34(12) 21.18(4) 21.42(17) 20.27(3) 19.81(5)
2 Chet Finley 133.96 54010 15.60(1) 26.99(4) 25.12(17) 17.58(9) 24.72(12) 23.95(11)
3 Isaiah Moore 143.13 36000 21.99(7) 30.20(8) 29.83(4) 18.73(8) 17.05(4) 25.33(5)
4 Dave Juel 147.43 53000 20.73(6) 29.08(12) 22.86(9) 22.21(14) 23.53(8) 29.02(4)
5 Jack Hofstra 160.76 20010 21.89(3) 36.96(9) 33.28(2) 17.92(3) 21.10(0) 29.61(3)
6 Bobbie Orr 202.39 53000 48.55(15) 35.26(15) 36.05(2) 22.29(9) 25.98(3) 34.26(9)
7 Matt Hofstra 219.12 78100 36.14(21) 57.67(14) 36.14(16) 21.16(11) 34.21(2) 33.80(14)
8 David Mikel 219.97 37000 33.72(4) 43.12(18) 44.11(2) 26.88(6) 30.52(3) 41.62(4)
9 Shelley Marks 241.99 85101 31.35(18) 61.50(29) 33.61(6) 27.05(19) 46.55(6) 41.93(7)
10 Jeff Cummings 242.34 87001 29.82(23) 62.39(22) 56.23(7) 28.95(26) 29.43(2) 35.52(7)
11 Kelly Crawford 437.17 120000 69.97(29) 110.79(31) 68.16(5) 42.65(29) 57.85(8) 87.75(18)

Total Match Penalties:

Key to Penalties:

Key to Abbreviations: